In a horrifying incident in Karnataka India on Tuesday, an elderly woman has been reported to have slept with her daughter’s decaying and decomposing dead body for four days.
According to the local police, the elderly woman named Nagamma was found sleeping beside the smelling and decaying body of her daughter inside their house.
The girl named Roopa had died due to unknown reasons at her home but her bereaved mother chose to not reveal it to anyone and keep the dead body at her home.
Initially, the locals ignored the smell of the decomposing body thinking it may be a dead rat. But they grew suspicious when neither the mother nor Roopa was seen for numerous days.
Some of their neighbours tried calling Roopa on her phone but it went unanswered. The cause of Roops’s death is still unknown, the police say.
Also Read:Creepy: Rapper’s dead body used as prop at funeral ceremony
Roopa had returned to her home after parting ways with her husband of 10 years.
In another horrifying incident some days back as an American rapper’s dead body was used as a prop at a funeral that took place at a nightclub.
Videos and photos from the event in Washington DC had left social media users freaked out online.